Putting learners’ experience at the center of technology enhanced learning, or how students can learn more while enjoying their classes.

Putting learners’ experience at the center of technology enhanced learning, or how students can learn more while enjoying their classes.


While educational paradigms have been cast under the traditions of cognitivism, behaviorism, and constructivism, the humanistic approach to education has only rarely been recognized as forming the didactical baseline in technology enhanced learning. In this paper we present, illustrate and discuss the potentials of person-centered, experiential learning when supported to live in a symbiosis with web-technology. The resulting approach is referred to as Person-Cemtered technology enhanced Learning (PCeL). By presenting illustrative examples, research results, and numerous students’ reactions to this educational style, this paper aims to provide educators with a well-founded, realistic image and conceptualization of person-centered, technology enhanced learning. In particular, the encouraging results from two large universities employing PCeL for providing experiential learning in the realm of students’ interpersonal competences aside of intellectual knowledge, and improving participants’ learning experience are presented. Foremost, these models, illustrations and results are intended to inspire educators in their own educational practice and research.

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  • Motschnig, Renate
  • Pitner, Tomás
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Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Full Paper in Proceedings)
Event Title
Distance Learning in Applied Informatics (DiVAI)
Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing
Informatik in Beziehung zu Mensch und Gesellschaft
Event Location
Štúrovo, Slovakia
Event Type
Event Dates
May 2-4, 2016
Series Name
11 th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics
ISBN 978‐80‐7552‐249‐8 / ISSN 2464‐7470 (Print) / ISSN 2464‐7489 (On‐line)
Page Range
pp. 1-608
May 2016
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