Creating Community Fountains by (Re-)Designing the Digital Layer of Way-finding Pillars

Creating Community Fountains by (Re-)Designing the Digital Layer of Way-finding Pillars


Way-finding pillars for tourists aid them in navigating an unknown area. The pillars show nearby points of interest, offer information about public transport and provide a scale for the neighbourhood. Through a series of studies with tourists and locals, we establish their different needs. In this space, we developed Mappy, a mobile application which augments and enhances way-finding pillars with an added digital layer. Mappy opens up opportunities for reappropriation of, and engagement with, the pillars. Seeing the pillars beyond their initial use case by involving a diverse range of people let us develop the digital layer and subsequently overall meaning of way-finding pillars further: as "community fountains" they engage locals and tourists alike and can provoke encounters between them.

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  • Spiel, Katharina
  • Werner, Katharina
  • Hödl, Oliver
  • Ehrenstrasser, Lisa
  • Fitzpatrick, Geraldine
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Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Poster)
Event Title
19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
Cooperative Systems
Angewandte Informatik
Informatik in Beziehung zu Mensch und Gesellschaft
Computer in der Freizeit
Event Location
Vienna, Austria
Event Type
Event Dates
4.-7. September 2017
4 September 2017
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