Competitive Clustering of Stochastic Communication Patterns on a Ring

Competitive Clustering of Stochastic Communication Patterns on a Ring


This paper studies a fundamental dynamic clustering problem. The input is an online sequence of pairwise communication requests between n nodes (e.g., tasks or virtual machines). Our goal is to minimize the communication cost by partitioning the communicating nodes into ` clusters (e.g., physical servers) of size k (e.g., number of virtual machine slots). We assume that if the communicating nodes are located in the same cluster, the communication request costs 0; if the nodes are located in different clusters, the request is served remotely using inter-cluster communication, at cost 1. Additionally, we can migrate: a node from one cluster to another at cost α ≥ 1. We initiate the study of a stochastic problem variant where the communication pattern follows a fixed distribution, set by an adversary. Thus, the online algorithm needs to find a good tradeoff between benefitting from quickly moving to a seemingly good configuration (of low inter-cluster communication costs), and the risk of prematurely ending up in a configuration which later turns out to be bad, entailing high migration costs. Our main technical contribution is a deterministic online algorithm which is O(logn)- competitive with high probability (w.h.p.), for a specific but fundamental class of problems: namely on ring graphs

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  • Avin, Chen
  • Cohen, Louis
  • Schmid, Stefan
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Supplemental Material
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Paper)
Event Title
5th International Conference on Networked Systems (NETYS)
Communication Technologies
Informatik Allgemeines
Event Location
Marrakech, Morocco
Event Type
Event Dates
May 2017
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