Refactoring Architecture Models for Compliance with Custom Requirements
In the process of software-intensive systems engineering, architec-tures need to be designed that are compliant to the requirements.For this, architects need to examine those requirements with re-gard to their architectural impact. Accessing and interpreting therequirements is however not always possible, for instance if customrequirements are yet unknown at the time when the architectureis modeled. Ideally, architectural knowledge as derived from cus-tom requirements could be imposed upon architecture models. Thispaper proposes a novel concept for automated refactoring of archi-tecture models in order to meet such requirements by formalizingarchitectural knowledge using model verification and model trans-formations. Industrial application within a telecommunicationsservice provider is demonstrated in the domain of cloud applica-tion orchestration: service providers are enabled to autonomouslycustomize solutions predefined by vendors according to their owninternal requirements.

- Holmes, Ta'id
- Zdun, Uwe

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Paper) |
Event Title |
ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 2018 |
Divisions |
Software Architecture |
Subjects |
Software Engineering |
Event Location |
Copenhagen, Denmark |
Event Type |
Conference |
Event Dates |
14-19 Oct |
Page Range |
pp. 267-277 |
Date |
October 2018 |
Export |