Plattformen – Eine Einführung
Platforms are a vital component for many IT-supported applications. However, the term platform seems to be overloaded and used in a heterogeneous way, specifically, for different application domains. In general, platforms drive technical innovations, support a structured development, and pave the way for new business models. This article provides a systematic classification for the term platform based on a layer model. The layers are described by means of their properties and enable application scenarios. The feasibility of the model is documented by a literature study which, in addition, identifies application areas that are mainly described in the context of platforms.

- Knoll, Matthias
- Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie

Category |
Journal Paper |
Divisions |
Workflow Systems and Technology |
Journal or Publication Title |
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik |
2198-2775 |
Publisher |
Springer |
Date |
May 2015 |
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