Using the Physics-based Rendering Toolkit for Medical Reconstruction

Using the Physics-based Rendering Toolkit for Medical Reconstruction


In this paper we cast the problem of tomography in the realm of computer graphics. By using PBRT (physically based rendering toolkit) we create a scripting environment that simplifies the programming of tomography algorithms such as Maximum-Likelihood Expectation Maximization (ML-EM) or Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART, a deviant of ART). This allows the rapid development and testing of novel algorithms with a variety of parameter configurations. Additionally, it takes advantage of speed-up techniques that are common and well-researched in the graphics community, such as multi-resolution techniques based on octree’s or similar spacepartitioning data structures as well as algorithms accelerated through graphics hardware (GPU). Using our framework, we have evaluated different attenuation correction schemes during the back projection of ML-EM and SART.

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  • Bergner, Steven
  • Dagenais, Eric
  • Celler, Anna
  • Möller, Torsten
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Supplemental Material
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Full Paper in Proceedings)
Event Title
2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Visualization and Data Analysis
Event Location
Puerto Rico
Event Type
Event Dates
23 Oct - 29 Oct 2005
October 2005
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