Sensitively Integrating Technology into Person Centered Learning: Concepts, Experiences, Patterns, Hypotheses (Abstract and slides only!)
Person Centered, technology enhanced learning is based on the principles of significant, experiential learning that integrates intellectual, affective, and social aspects of learning. Being non-directive in nature it needs to be facilitated and developed rather than taught. It thus appears to promote self-organization and self-initiation that have become two highly desirable traits in modern education and life. In this context we pose the question: In which ways can tools like online materials and web spaces improve the effectiveness of seminars or courses, while the basic character of interpersonal relationships and presence among learners and between learner and facilitator are retained or even intensified? We use web spaces and computer mediated communication as a means to facilitate the acquisition of background knowledge and to broaden and intensify the sharing of experiences and feedback. The easy access to material for studying offers the students the freedom to work in their individual style, space and time, and it saves workshop time for immediate interpersonal presence. In this sense, technology can be seen as an ally on the way to make education more person centered. However, how can we convince academic staff of the added value?In this workshop we invite participants to critically reflect on concepts, practices, and research approaches that will be presented. Time permitting, participants will co-design and share technology enhanced scenarios from/for their particular contexts. Finally, opportunities and challenges of promoting a Person centered style in modern higher education will be elaborated and initial conclusions will be drawn.

- Motschnig, Renate

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings |
Event Title |
7th International Conference for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling (PCE Conference 2006) |
Divisions |
Workflow Systems and Technology |
Event Location |
Potsdam, Germany |
Event Type |
Conference |
Event Dates |
2006-07-12 |
Date |
July 2006 |
Official URL | |
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