Learning with Noisy Labels by Adaptive Gradient-Based Outlier Removal

Learning with Noisy Labels by Adaptive Gradient-Based Outlier Removal


An accurate and substantial dataset is essential for training a reliable and well-performing model. However, even manually annotated datasets contain label errors, not to mention automatically labeled ones. Previous methods for label denoising have primarily focused on detecting outliers and their permanent removal - a process that is likely to over- or underfilter the dataset. In this work, we propose AGRA: a new method for learning with noisy labels by using Adaptive GRAdient-based outlier removal. Instead of cleaning the dataset prior to model training, the dataset is dynamically adjusted during the training process. By comparing the aggregated gradient of a batch of samples and an individual example gradient, our method dynamically decides whether a corresponding example is helpful for the model at this point or is counter-productive and should be left out for the current update. Extensive evaluation on several datasets demonstrates AGRA's effectiveness, while a comprehensive results analysis supports our initial hypothesis: permanent hard outlier removal is not always what model benefits the most from.

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  • Sedova, Anastasiia
  • Zellinger, Lena
  • Roth, Benjamin
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Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Speech)
Event Title
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD)
Data Mining and Machine Learning
Software Engineering
Kuenstliche Intelligenz
Event Location
Turin, Italy
Event Type
Event Dates
18-22 Sept 2023
Series Name
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track
Page Range
pp. 237-253
18 September 2023
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