Items where Year is 1996
Number of items: 120.
In: Proceedings of the 46th IEEE/VTS Conference on Vehicular Technology 1996
, Atlanta, USA
Technical Report.
University of Würzburg
Benkner, Siegfried and Mehrotra, P. and Van Rosendale, J. and Zima, Hans
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Seventh ECMWF Workshop on Parallel Computers in Meteorology
, Reading, England
Benkner, Siegfried and Sanjari, K. and Sipkova, Vera and Wender, B.
Project Report.
Benkner, Siegfried and Zima, Hans
Project Report.
Benkner, Siegfried and Zima, Hans and Paul, Martin and Mehofer, Eduard and Brezany, Peter and Andel, S. and Blasko, R. and Celic, A. and Chapman, B. and Egg, M. and Fahringer, T. and Hulman, J.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Betz, Fritz
Ästhetik und Kommunikation, Medium Gesicht, Die faciale Gesellschaft, 25 (94/95).
p. 69-75
Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Löhr, Michael
Multimedia Information Storage and Management.
Boll, Susanne and Wusch, J.
In: First International Workshop on Persistence and Java
, 1996-09-01
, Glasgow, Scotland
Brezany, Peter and Choudhary, A.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Brezany, Peter and Dang, M.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Workshop PARA-96
, Lyngby, Denmark
Brezany, Peter and Schikuta, Erich and Mück, Thomas
In: Proceedings of the Proc. EUROSIM -- HPCN Challenges 1996
, North Holland
Brezany, Peter and Schikuta, Erich and Mück, Thomas
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Workshop PARA-96
, Lyngby, Denmark
Brezany, Peter and Schikuta, Erich and Mück, Thomas
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Brezany, Peter and Sipkova, V.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. EUROSIM -- HPCN Challenges 1996
, North Holland
Di Martino, B. and Iannello, G.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. 4th IEEE Workshop on Program Comprehension
, Berlin, Germany
Di Martino, B. and Kessler, C. W.
In: Proceedings of the Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, (Proc. of PDSE'96)
, Berlin, Germany
Eder, Johann
Geschäftsprozeßmodellierung und Workflow-Management - Modelle, Methoden, Werkzeuge.
Eder, Johann and Groiss, Herbert
In: Entwicklungsmethoden für Informationssysteme und deren Anwendung (EMISA)
, 1996-10-09
, Aachen, Germany
Eder, Johann and Groiss, Herbert and Liebhart, Walter
In: 2ème Forum International d'Informatique Appliquée (FIAA)
, 1996-02-29
, Tunis, Algeria
Eder, Johann and Groiss, Herbert and Liebhart, Walter
In: Document'96
, 1996-01-01
, Vienna, Austria
Eder, Johann and Groiss, Herbert and Liebhart, Walter
In: ADV-Kongress
, 1996-01-01
, Vienna, Austria
Eder, Johann and Dobrovnik, Michael
In: Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference (ESDA 1996)
, 1996-07-01
, Montpellier, France
Eder, Johann and Liebhart, Walter
In: First IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 1996)
, 1996-06-19
, Brussels, Belgium
Fahringer, T.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Academic Press, 39 (1).
pp. 46-65
Fahringer, T.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, ISBN 0-7923-9708-8, unknown
Fahringer, T.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Fahringer, T.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Proc. of the 1996 International Parallel Processing Symposium
, Honolulu, Hawaii
Ferscha, Alois and Johnson, J.
Technical Report.
University of Vienna
Ferscha, Alois and Johnson, J.
In: 2nd IEEE Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
, 1996-06-11
, Singapore
Ferscha, Alois and Johnson, J.
In: Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 96)
, 1996-12-08
, Coronado, California, USA
Ferscha, Alois and Richter, M.
In: European Simulation Multiconference 1996
, 1996-06-02
, Budapest, Hungary
Haring, Günter
Technical Report.
Haring, Günter and Giller, V. and Tscheligi, M.
In: 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
, 1996-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Gruber, B. and Kranzlm?ller, D. and Volkert, J.
In: 4th EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing
, 1996-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Kacusk, P. and Ferenczi, S. and Pigel, G. and Dozsa, G. and Fadgyas, T.
In: 4th EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing
, 1996-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Kotsis, G. and Braun, M. and Kotsis, Gabriele
In: International Conference of Telecommunication, Distribution, Parallelism
, 1996-06-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Kotsis, G. and Majumdar, S. and Lüthi, Johannes and Kotsis, Gabriele
In: 1st Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems
, 1996-10-01
, Budapest
Haring, Günter and Kotsis, G. and Majumdar, S. and Lüthi, Johannes and Kotsis, Gabriele
Technical Report.
Institute of Applied Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Vienna
Haring, Günter and Lüthi, Johannes
In: 3rd International Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems
, 1996-09-01
, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Haring, Günter and Lüthi, Johannes and Majumdar, S.
Technical Report.
Institute of Applied Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Vienna
Haring, Günter and Lüthi, Johannes and Majumdar, S.
In: IEEE International Performance and Dependability Symposium
, 1996-09-01
, Urbana, IL, USA
Haring, Günter and Musil, S. and Kotsis, G. and Kotsis, Gabriele
In: EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing
, 1996-01-01
, keine Angabe
Haring, Günter and Wabnig, H.
In: 1st Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems
, 1996-10-01
, Budapest
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Kurkova, Vera
In: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 1996
, April 1997
, Brugges, Belgium
Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Kurkova, Vera
In: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 1996
, April 1997
, Brugges, Belgium
Huemer, Christian and Ellmer, E. and Merkl, D. and Pernul, G.
In: 7th International Conference of Database and Expert System Applications
, 1996-09-01
, Zürich, Switzerland
Huemer, Christian and Quirchmayr, Gerald
In: Information Resources Management Association International Conference1996
, 1996-05-01
, Washington D.C., USA
Huemer, Christian and Quirchmayr, Gerald and Tjoa, A Min
In: IFIP/ICCC Conference on Information Network and Data Communication: Teleservice Architecture and Engineering
, 1996-06-01
, Trodheim, Norway
Klas, Wolfgang and Gardarin, Georges and Gannouni, Sofiane and Finance, Beatrice and Fankhauser, Peter and Pastre, Dominique and Legoff, Regis and Ramfos, Antonis
Object Oriented Multidatabase Systems: A Solution for Advanced Applications.
Klas, Wolfgang and Thimm, Heiko
Technical Report.
GMD Technical Report (Arbeitspapiere der GMD)
Klas, Wolfgang and Thimm, Heiko
In: 12th International Conference on Data Engineering
, 1996-02-26
, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Klas, Wolfgang and Thimm, Heiko
Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies.
Klas, Wolfgang and Thimm, Heiko and Walpole, Jonathan and Pu, Calton and Cowan, Crispin
Technical Report.
GMD Technical Report (Arbeitspapiere der GMD)
Klas, Wolfgang and Thimm, Heiko and Walpole, Jonathan and Pu, Calton and Cowan, Crispin
In: International Workshop on Multimedia Database Systems
, 1996-01-01
, Blue Mountain Lake, USA
Klas, Wolfgang and Frankhauser, Peter and Finance, Beatrice
In: 6th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT '96)
, 1996-03-25
, Avignon, France
Klas, Wolfgang and Rakow, Thomas C. and Neuhold, Erich J.
In: 2nd Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems
, 1996-09-26
, West Point, New York, USA
Klas, Wolfgang and Rakow, Thomas C. and Neuhold, Erich J.
IEEE Multimedia Newsletter, 4 (1).
p. 5
Klas, Wolfgang and Wäsch, Jürgen
In: RIDE-NDS96, Sixth International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Interoperability of Nontraditional Database Systems
, 1996-02-26
, New Orleans, Louisiana
Kotsis, Gabriele
Technical Report.
University of Vienna
Kotsis, Gabriele
In: Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS)
, 1996-10-02
, Miskolc, Hungary
Kotsis, Gabriele and Braun, Markus
In: Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS)
, 1998-09-28
, Budapest, Hungary
Kotsis, Gabriele and Pfneiszl, H.
Technical Report.
University of Vienna
Kotsis, Gabriele and Pfneiszl, H.
In: 3rd International ACPC Conference 1996
, 1996-09-23
, Klagenfurt, Austria
Kotsis, Gabriele and Sukup, Florian
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Systems, ? (?).
Laure, E. and Chapman, B.
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Laure, E. and Chapman, B.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Sixth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers
, Jülich
Mehofer, Eduard and Zima, Hans
Technical Report.
Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna
Motschnig, Renate
The Journal of Systems and Software, 1 (33).
p. 113
Motschnig, Renate
Information Systems, 3 (21).
p. 229
Motschnig, Renate and Kaasboll, Jens
In: IFIP WG 8.1/13.2 Conference on Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design
, 1996-05-01
, Genf
Motschnig, Renate and Kaasboll, Jens
In: 5th International Conference on Information System Development: ISD�96
, 1996-09-01
, Gdansk, Polen
Motschnig, Renate and Mylopoulos, John
In: 8th International Conference CAiSE�96, Advanced Information Systems Engineering
, 1996-05-01
, keine Angabe
Motschnig, Renate and Zelkowitz, M. and Mittermeir, Roland
Advances in Computers, 1 (43).
p. 51
Academic Press
Möller, Torsten and Machiraju, Raghu and Mueller, Klaus and Yagel, Roni
In: 1996 Symposium on Volume Visualization
, Oct. 28 - 29
, San Francisco, California
Mück, Thomas and Polaschek, Martin
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on persistent Object Systems (POS7),
, Cape May, New Jersey
Mück, Thomas and Schikuta, Erich and Brezany, Peter
In: Int. Conf. HPCN challenges in telecomp and telecom: Parallel simulation of complex systems and large scale applications
, 1996-06-01
, Delft, Netherlands
Nwosu, Kingsley C. and Thuraisingham, Bhavani M. and Bruce Berra, P.
Nölle, M. and Schreiber, G.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
, Vienna, Austria
Quirchmayr, Gerald
In: ADV IT-Kongreß
, 1996-05-01
, keine Angabe
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Duangply, O. and de Korvin, A. and Hashemi, S.
In: 3rd World Congress on Expert Systems
, 1996-02-09
, Seoul, Korea
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Ellmer, E. and Merkl, D. and Tjoa, A Min
In: 20th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference
, 1996-08-23
, Seoul, South Korea
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Haider, G. and Magnusson Sj?berg, C. and Sebald, V.
In: 8th Conference on Expert Systems Applications and Artifical Intelligence
, 1996-10-01
, keine Angabe
Quirchmayr, Gerald and Kleyle, R. and de Korvin, A. and Bourgeois, B.
International Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1 (1).
Quirchmayr, Gerald and de Korvin, A. and Hashemi, S. and Robbins, R.
In: 8th Conference on Expert Systems Applications and Artifical Intelligence
, 1996-10-01
, keine Angabe
Schikuta, Erich
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_habil" not defined] thesis
Schikuta, Erich
In: 4th IEEE Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks
, 1996-06-01
, Seville, Spain
Schikuta, Erich
Technical Report.
Inst. für Angewandte Informatik u. Informationssysteme
Schikuta, Erich
In: 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
, 1996-10-21
, Vienna
Schikuta, Erich
In: International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 1996
, 1996-09-21
, Hong Kong
Schikuta, Erich
In: 2nd Int. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing Systems
, 1996-05-01
, Ischia, Italy
Schikuta, Erich
In: World Congress on Neural Networks, 1996
, 1996-09-21
, San Diego
Schikuta, Erich
In: Australasian Computer Architecture Workshop
, 1996-01-01
, Melbourne, Australia
Schikuta, Erich and Brezany, Peter and Mück, Thomas
Technical Report.
University of Vienna
Schikuta, Erich and Brezany, Peter and Mück, Thomas
In: 3rd Int. Workshop PARA'96
, 1996-08-01
, Lyngby, Denmark
Schikuta, Erich and Kirkovits, Peter
In: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing
, 1996-01-01
, Braga, Portugal
Träff, Jesper Larsson
European Journal of Operational Research, 89 (3).
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architechtures (SPAA)
, Padova, Italy
Träff, Jesper Larsson
In: Proceedings of the Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (IRREGULAR'96)
, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Tutschku, Kurt
Technical Report.
University of Würzburg
Tutschku, Kurt and Gerlich, N. and Tran-Gia, P.
In: Proceedings of the of the 7th International Telecommunication Network Planning Symposium (Networks '96)
, 2009-08-21
, Sydney, Australia
Verleysen, Michel and Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina
In: Learning in RBF Networks
, July 3-6, 1996
, Washington, D.C.
Winiwarter, Werner
Nachrichten für Dokumentation, 47 (3).
Winiwarter, Werner
Australian Computer Science Communications, 18 (2).
Winiwarter, Werner
In: 1996 Australasian Natural Language Processing Summer Workshop
, 1996-02-01
, Melbourne, Australia
Winiwarter, Werner and Kagawa, O. and Kambayashi, Y.
In: 7th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
, 1996-09-09
, Zurich, Switzerland
Winiwarter, Werner and Kagawa, O. and Kambayashi, Y.
In: 4th International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering
, 1996-08-25
, Vienna, Austria
Winiwarter, Werner and Kagawa, O. and Kambayashi, Y.
In: 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
, 1996-09-17
, Dresden, Germany
Winiwarter, Werner and Kagawa, O. and Konomi, S. and Kambayashi, Y.
In: 1st Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education
, 1996-07-03
, Sydney, Australia
Winiwarter, Werner and Kambayashi, Y. and Konomi, S. and Kagawa, O. and Lee, S.-H. and Hayase, M.
In: International Symposium on the Development of Aerospace Industry and Its Educational and Research Issues for the 21st Century of Information and Space Era
, 1996-10-01
, Kyonggi-Do, South Korea
Winiwarter, Werner and Schweighofer, E.
In: 25th Anniversary Conference of the Istituto per la documentazione giuridica of the CNR: Towards a Global Expert System in Law
, 1993-12-01
, Florence, Italy
Winiwarter, Werner and Schweighofer, E. and Merkl, D.
Connectionist, Statistical, and Symbolic Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing.
Winiwarter, Werner and Tjoa, A Min
In: Natuerlichsprachlicher Entwurf von Informationssystemen
, 1996-05-28
, Tutzing, Germany
Zima, Hans
IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, 3 (3).
pp. 63-65
Zima, Hans and Andel, S. and Di Martino, B. and Hulman, I.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. 4th EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing
, Braga, Portugal
Zima, Hans and Chapman, B. and Mehrotra, P.
In: Proceedings of the Proc. Sixth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC'96)
, Aachen, Germany
Zima, Hans and Chapman, B. and Mehrotra, P.
In: Proceedings of the Spring Proceedings, Cray User Group
, unknown
Zima, Hans and Mehrotra, P.
In: Proceedings of the Proc.Sommerschule Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Numerik und Anwendungen
, KFA Jülich